Thaksaporn (Tatt) Chitrakorn

Thaksaporn (Tatt) Chitrakorn

How long were you in CCL? 2


Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion?
For many people, we naturally like to be surrounded by people who are "like us," but what we tend to forget is that we’re not all that different from someone who’s sitting next to us in class or even a random person on the street. Everyone is unique but we can all connect to each other in some way. Especially in the world where the differences often get exaggerated through social media and are used by certain groups to tear us apart, it is absolutely crucial that we learn to appreciate the diversity and remind ourselves that it is the variations in human race that make our world so beautiful and fascinating.

Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA?
The first time I felt socially connected to UCLA was when I met this one girl through some mutual friends at Boiling Crab in Westwood the very first week I came to LA. As someone who grew up in a community where mental health topics are highly stigmatized, I felt very accepted and understood for the first time after having a conversation with her about mental health. She has become an important part of my college career and is now one of my closest friends.