Dr. Tiffany Brannon
Associate Professor, CCL Director
Tiffany N. Brannon received her Ph.D. and M.A. in Social Psychology from Stanford University and her B.A. in Psychology from Florida International University. Her research examines socio-cultural identities in negatively stereotyped groups such as African-Americans and Latino-Americans; and she investigates the potential for these identities to serve as a psychological resource— one that can facilitate a variety of individual and intergroup benefits. Her research integrates basic psychological theories related to the self, multicultural experiences, and consistency theories to understand the conditions that allow culturally shaped identities in negatively stereotyped groups to function as powerful agents of social change. This research has demonstrated that culturally shaped identities when affirmed within mainstream educational settings can increase academic motivation and performance in members of negatively stereotyped groups and can improve the intergroup attitudes of majority group members.
Riley Marshall
5th year Doctoral Candidate

Rachel Smith
Human Biology and Society B.S.
Years in CCL: 5
Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Studying diversity and inclusion allows us to take a good look at ourselves and current state of the world we live in. Only by taking an honest look at the way things are and have been, can we ever hope to change the future.
Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA?
It can be difficult to feel socially connected as a new transfer student. Luckily, UCLA is very proud of its transfer community. The relationships I’ve made with other transfers have been the first of many strong ties that connect me to UCLA.
Number of quarters in CCL: 1 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? It is so important to study diversity and inclusion because everyone has felt as though they didn't belong at some point in their lives. If we can find a way to lessen that burden for our future generations then we have succeeded. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? I felt socially connected at UCLA when I arrived and realized how much of a community there is for transfer students. I lived in the transfer dorms and was able to make a group of friends who all shared the same experience as me. I love what UCLA has done to help make transfers feel welcome. Number of quarters in CCL: 11 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Studying diversity and inclusion is vital to promote empathy, collectiviness, and well-being not only in the realms of research, but in all aspects of life. When we are educated to be culturally competent, we can use our knowledge about different groups to better interact, understand, and celebrate those around us. When we can learn to use cultural humility by being aware of the power imbalances and biases and respecting others’ values, we create a more compassionate, successful, and commendable society. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? I felt socially connected with my peers at UCLA when I conducted a research project in a Clinical Psychology course. We all transfered from the Bay Area in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. My project peers and I decided to conduct research on emotional well-being of BIPOC college students, as we shared a goal to make psychological research cater more to the specific needs and wants of BIPOC individuals. We connected over our shared backgrounds, and passion to highlight the need for diversity in research Number of quarters in CCL: 6 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? This world belongs to everybody, not just the majority population. People shouldn’t be ignored because of their identity. By studying diversity and inclusion, we can understand people from various cultural backgrounds and help them to be seen and heard. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? The first bonding night with my Greek and American roommates made me feel socially connected. It was amazing to feel deeply connected with people from different cultural backgrounds. This experience showed me that UCLA truly is a warm and inclusive community to that I belong. Number of quarters in CCL: 3 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? I think it's important to study diversity and inclusion to appreciate the beauty of different perspectives and experiences. Further, I think it's important to focus on and research communities and groups that in the past have been underrepresented. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? A time I felt socially connected at UCLA was when I lived in the dorms my freshman year. It was such an amazing experience to meet and develop genuine friendships with such welcoming people. Number of quarters in CCL: 2 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? I believe human society must value diversity and inclusion to foster belonging and unity among communities. Studying diversity and inclusion provides us with a framework for learning about the beauties of different cultures and people throughout our community and beyond. Diversity brings a sense of belonging to people from all backgrounds, so we must value learning about it Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? When I first came to UCLA, I felt lonely and scared, but I quickly found a group of great friends that became my family away from home. They truly created an environment for me that, for the first time in my life, allowed me to be my true, authentic self. Being a part of a friend group that loves me for who I am has genuinely been a great experience that I am so thankful UCLA has given me! Number of quarters in CCL: 1 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Studying diversity and inclusion provides the necessary context and understanding, empowering individuals to address challenges directly and effectively. Without prior knowledge, it's impossible to fully grasp the challenges you're attempting to confront, which is why it's crucial to examine both the past and present to tackle current and future issues. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? Finding a close circle of friends who were also first-generation college students from similar backgrounds helped me truly feel like UCLA could be my home. While it's wonderful to meet people from different walks of life, it was reassuring to connect with others who were facing the same struggles, making me feel less alone. Number of quarters in CCL: 1 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? I think it is important to study diversity and inclusion because we spend a large part of our lives in schools and workplaces, which can become central in impacting many important aspects of our lives. This includes romantic relationships, mental health, and even physical well-being, which is incredibly important! Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? I felt socially connected during my junior year, where I was assigned to an 8-person apartment with random roommates, who eventually became my best friends! We shared similar hobbies, cultural backgrounds, and majors, which kept me afloat throughout an academically tough year. Number of quarters in CCL: 1 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Creating more inclusive spaces and promoting equitable environments have a massive influence on overall well-being. I strongly believe that fostering a culture where individuals feel valued and respected can enhance collaboration and innovation that drive sustainable growth and progress across all communities. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? As a transfer student, I was given plenty of resources and a lot of love and support which helped me adapt quickly and feel at home. It was wonderful to see that no matter what questions I had there was always help available and everyone was incredibly kind and supportive. Number of quarters in CCL: 1 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? It is important to study diversity and inclusion as they help us comfort one another knowing that our unique experiences can be heard and shine through. To understand our differences and personal narratives is to change the world and create a better space for all walks of life. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? A time I felt socially connected at UCLA was when I first started out playing volleyball at UCLA. Although I was brand new to the sport, the supportive and welcoming environment from everyone helped me build long-lasting friendships that I wouldn't have thought of. Thanks to them I have been playing non-stop since the first day I showed up.
Erica Kroll
4th year, Cognitive Science Major
Sophia Magliato
Psychology major & Anthropology minor
Kaixin (Kathy) Xue
3rd year, Psychology Major
Jaelyn Sprague
4th year, Cognitive Science Major
Billy Hayes
3rd year, Psychology Major & Education Studies Minor
Alexa Rojas
3rd year, Psychobiology & Sociology Double Major, & Community Engagement and Social Change Minor
Emily Luong
4th year, Psychology Major & Labor Studies Minor
Gayane Khachatryan
4th year, Psychology Major
Miguel Soto
3rd year, Psychology Major & Chicano/a and Central American Studies Minor
Number of quarters in CCL: 2 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? It is important and critical to continue exploring, including and voicing the thoughts of underrepresented communities. Diversity science is currently a subset of psychology when it should be the lens through which we study psychology. Conducting research in this area makes me feel included and essential to expanding diverse ideas into academia. I find it important to openly recognize different points of view from communities that are not extensively studied in psychology. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? The summer before my first quarter at UCLA as a transfer student, I took part in the Transfer Summer Experience (TSP). It was one of the most welcoming and culturally diverse programs that I have been a part of that made me feel at home. It is where I met my closest friends and built a community with my peers that I will always hold close to my heart. Number of quarters in CCL: 3 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? As a Latina woman of color, I understand firsthand how powerful it is for underrepresented groups to see themselves in places where they were once nonexistent. At some point in my working career, I was THE minority in a large group of remarkable people at a top four consulting firm and, from that experience, I realized how everyone loses from a lack of diversity. If not for being dismissed, the loss comes later by producing blindsided content. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? Getting connected to this new universe that is UCLA was scary, to say the least. I am not originally from the USA, plus I live off campus and I transferred from another college during the pandemic. In the first quarter I was completely lost, however, when I found out about the resources offered at the AAP, the Transfer Center, and the Community Programs Office, I finally felt at home. Number of quarters in CCL: 2 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? It is important to study diversity and inclusion because it helps us learn about ourselves and the world around us. More importantly, it helps us highlight the racial divide, as well as the responsibility we have as individuals to foster a safe space and address the inequities affecting vulnerable communities. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? Taking a service learning course as a part of my Spanish major has truly been rewarding; I completed a volunteer service with San Fernando Refugee Children's Center in which I virtually connected with low-income families in San Fernando and provided children with a comfortable platform to participate and engage with others during the pandemic. Number of Quarters in CCL: 5 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Diversity is a necessary component of progress; history has shown that any innovation requires a compilation of minds - an accumulation of experiences, cultures, and perspectives - for these creations to achieve their potential. Establishing feelings of community encourages this by motivating individuals from different groups to engage. By expanding the research surrounding diversity and inclusion, we are promoting a social functioning that maximizes human connectivity to improve our society as a whole. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? As a first year transfer student, I was apprehensive about the idea of finding “my type” of people and establishing myself within the UCLA community. That being said, I was shocked to discover an instant feeling of connection within my randomly-assigned, 9-person apartment: it was something about how different we all were (we had everyone from a cis-gendered, surfing Design major to a non-binary STEM major), yet our differences somehow made our misfit-like bond stronger. Number of quarters in CCL: 3 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? I think that studying diversity and inclusion is the only way to truly better our communities to their full potential. It is essential that we discover how perceptions may form in various cultures and perpetuate systemic inequality for marginalized groups. This way, preventive measures can be implemented in order to make historically-inequitable spaces more welcoming for all people. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? I felt socially connected to UCLA when I became a Learning Assistant for Physics 5CL. Becoming a Learning Assistant taught me how to encourage collaborative learning and create a more comfortable and engaging environment to study STEM. Through this experience, I was able to better myself and learn how to be a good leader and facilitator while also helping my peers master their course material. Number of quarters in CCL: 3 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? It is essential to study diversity and inclusion due to today's atmosphere; with the rise and emphasis on diversity within the workplace or academia, it is vital to research why less diversity is happening in particular locations. Furthermore, the benefits of diversity and inclusion are substantial; it allows for new and innovative opinions that can grow and improve our community. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? A time I felt socially connected to UCLA was when I was living at the Holly Transfer dorms in my third year. Being in Holly, where my floormates and students were transfer students, allowed me to be in a community where students had one commonality. It was restorative to talk to fellow transfer students about the hardships and complications of transferring to UCLA. Number of quarters in CCL: 4 Why do you think it's important to study diversity and inclusion? People are different, and I believe it's important for everyone to study diversity and inclusion to distinguish fact from fiction, be able to empathize with others and meet everyone where they are in life at the moment. My career interests lie in human resources and organizational psychology, where differing approaches to diversity and inclusion can sometimes make people uncomfortable or become difficult to navigate. We can alleviate some of these tensions by applying researched methodologies to create a framework for productive conversations. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? I entered college with an assumption that I would find my niche soon enough, but I quickly realized that with diversity comes intersectionality. After interacting with individuals from all over the world, I found a social connection in the humanness of scholars with multiple identities. Whether or not we come from the same place, we all bring diverse skillsets and experiences worth sharing and worth learning from. Number of quarters in CCL: 3 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? I wanted to study psychology to learn more about the impact of racial trauma and how those factors, along with racial identity can influence mental health. From a social perspective, I can see how it is important to address these issues in order to build a stronger and healthier community. We all have perspectives we can share and learn from each other. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA. As a Filipino transfer student I felt out of place at UCLA and intimidated by all the unfamiliarity. The Pilipino Transfer Student Partnership (PTSP) organization was when I first felt socially connected to UCLA. I was able to learn a lot about my Pilipinx identity through the club’s encouragement towards cultural Fil-Am events and self-empowerment within higher educational settings. Number of quarters in CCL: 6 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? In order to bring about change, we must understand the inequality and lack of inclusivity that exists in our society. Acknowledging the discrimination marginalized communities have experienced and continue to face allows us to be informed on the problems these groups encounter, foster effective solutions, and ultimately develop a fair and just world. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? As Public Relations/Marketing Chair of Curls U, I promoted my club at the Enormous Activities Fair which allowed me to speak to so many Black Bruins. This was an amazing experience because I connected and related to many of my peers that day and felt socially accepted at UCLA. Being surrounded by my people made me feel comfortable and that I belonged here at such a big institution and inspired me to make an impact while I am here. Number of quarters in CCL: 3 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Having grown up with the influence of multiple cultural backgrounds, I am passionate about studying diversity as I believe that the majority of racism stems from a lack of connection. When there is a deeper understanding of people who are different from you, people will be more likely to promote inclusion. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? I felt socially connected to UCLA the first night on my dorm floor when I met a lot of people who were completely different to me, but were still welcoming and friendly. Number of quarters in CCL: 3 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Throughout history, notions of white superiority have been reinforced through Europe's colonization and exploitation of the world's societies. Many people across the globe have internalized these racist ideas, believing that their ethnic backgrounds, cultural heritage, life experiences, and beliefs are inferior and meaningless. Studying diversity and inclusion is pivotal because this research can counter the negative impact of Eurocentrism and encourage everyone to share the beauty of their identities with the world. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? Before I transferred to UCLA, I was very anxious about making friends at the university, finding supportive communities as an African American, and having enough time to connect with my professors and peers. I decided to ease some of my stress by taking advantage of the Academic Achievement Program's (AAP) Transfer Summer Program (TSP). I felt socially connected to not only my peers who were also transferring students but my professors because they all identified as people of color. Number of quarters in CCL: 1 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? I think studying diversity and inclusion is especially important with all the ongoing conflict taking place in certain parts of the world, and we need to remember to always understand that all of us are human and that we should always have each other's best interest in mind. The more we study our differences, the more we learn how to avoid discrimination in society and how to be inclusive. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? I think whenever the students all engage in different well-known UCLA traditions together, it makes me feel pretty connected to everybody else. For example, the midnight yell every day during finals week is something that, while it is small, helps me bond with my fellow Bruins every quarter and makes me feel like a part of a larger community here. Number of quarters in CCL: 3 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Studying diversity and inclusion is important because people do not exist in a vacuum; we carry our identities with us wherever we go. By studying the bits and pieces that make us human, we can gain a better insight into those around us, whose experiences might be different from us. We can even learn more about ourselves and those like us too. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? It might sound cliché, but the first time I felt like I was truly a Bruin was during one of the first days of classes when I was walking down Bruin Walk and about four different people tried to hand me a flyer. Although people joke about the "assertiveness" of people who distribute flyers on Bruin Walk, it was exciting to see how passionate people were about their organizations, and that they recognized me as someone who goes here. It made me feel like I really belonged. Number of quarters in CCL: 1 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? We live in a globalized world and people who we are interacting with are from diverse cultural backgrounds. It's our natural instinct to understand other people from our perspectives based on our own cultural experience. However, sometimes we may unintentionally hurt others or block the path of communication because we are unaware of the cultural difference. Learning more about diversity and inclusion can help and make the world more inclusive for everyone. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? I entered college with an assumption that I won't have friends who are outside my cultural background. However, thanks to my Frisbee teammates who are always patient with me (they are the sweetest!), I feel like I became more confident talking to others and felt less embarrassed for my ignorance of other cultures. Number of quarters in CCL: 4 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? It is important to study diversity because culture plays a key role in shaping the way people think and behave. Studying the variable of culture offers insight into the mechanisms that determine who is included in academia, the workplace, and other contexts of interest. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? I felt socially connected to UCLA when I went to a Week 0 event by my Christian fellowship club, Grace on Campus. So many people introduced themselves to me, and around 5 of the club members already invited me out for dinner the next week. Seeing how welcoming these fellow students were made me feel like I was truly a valued member of the UCLA student body. Number of quarters in CCL: 4 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Diversity and inclusion is a relatively new and developing thing in American society and is always the topic of discussion, whether it be in the media, academia, or activism. It is important that we focus on them to track the growth of representation of historically underrepresented groups and to take note of how that representation changes over time. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA I felt socially connected to UCLA the first time I started working with the UCLA LGBTQ CRC. It's wonderful to help foster a community where everyone can relax, get to know one another, and even provide each other with resources. Number of quarters in CCL: 3 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? It's impossible to not take notice of the highly diverse and distinct characteristics which make up every human being. It is only when all these cultures and backgrounds are accepted that society can truly move forward. Studying inclusion and diversity is necessary to ensure all communities, especially marginalized ones, are given space and not discriminated against. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? As a member of UniCamp, I felt most socially connected to UCLA during a camp retreat I took part in. During this retreat, I met many fellow UCLA undergrads and alumni, who made me feel included and part of a bigger community. Number of quarters in CCL: 3 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? The study of diversity and inclusion can help us move forward with more understanding of others and their backgrounds, therefore fostering informed interactions with less likelihood of misinterpreting each other. Empathy and understanding are important for interpersonal relationships, and these can be strengthened if people more readily and openly recognize different points of view. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? As a transfer student, I was apprehensive about what my social experience would be like at UCLA. Luckily, I had great roommates/suite-mates that were all either incoming transfer or international students. Together we helped each other navigate our situations, and we became connected to different communities on campus through one another. Number of quarters in CCL: 3 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? One of the things that makes life so special are the various backgrounds and stories that every person has to offer. By studying and encouraging the differences that we all share, we can find what connects us and what sets us apart and use that to create a safer and more inclusive environment for all. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? All of the times that I feel most socially connected to UCLA are through the organizations that I am a part of, specifically with New Student Academic Programs. By being a part of a kind and inclusive staff while also getting to welcome incoming, I not only made some of my greatest friendships, but I also got to play a role in something bigger than just myself. I got to be at the start of somebody else's UCLA journey and I hope that my small impact carries on with those students as their impact on me always will. Number of quarters in CCL: 3 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? I think it is so important to study diversity and inclusion because it's important to recognize that everyone's experiences and thoughts are not homogenous. Our cultures and identities shape who we are and have a big impact on how we interact with others so it's important to be cognizant of that when studying any kind of psychology. Additionally, it gives a voice to communities who have historically been silenced or led to believe that their thoughts and opinions don't matter and/or can't influence anything. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? I think that one of the best parts of UCLA is that there is a space for everyone, you just have to find it! I've loved joining clubs that put me out of my comfort zone and helped me grow as a person while also meeting a ton of new people that I probably would never have met otherwise. Number of quarters in CCL: 4 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? It’s important to study diversity and inclusion because it helps analyze what a community is and how it affects each member. After all, we are not all identical. The probability of finding significance with inclusion, whether interventions or observations, can stand as a framework to enrich communities everywhere. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? A time I felt socially connected to UCLA was with the first friendships I made with my floormates. As a transfer student, I was nervous about going to a brand new environment, and experiencing so many firsts with them made me feel connected to UCLA and the people there. Number of quarters in CCL: 6 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? It's important to study diversity and inclusion because having an understanding of how intersecting identities can lead to marked change within a community is essential. Studying inclusion can also have profound benefits on the lives of people in underserved and marginalized communities. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? I have felt socially connected at UCLA when I was in the radio station, working and writing about music with my friends. That community has made me feel very included and welcomed on campus. Number of quarters in CCL: 3 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? It is important to study diversity and inclusion because no man is an island-- we live in this giant web of social connections and everyone needs to feel welcome in it to function as a part of society. The diversity in identities between and within each and every one of us diversity needs to be acknowledged. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? A time that I felt socially connected to UCLA was the first practice with my dance team after the long summer break, I was just so happy to see everyone. Number of Quarters in CCL: 6 Why do you think it's important to study diversity and inclusion? Studying diversity and inclusion is important in order to help facilitate much needed conversation and acknowledgement as we learn from culture. This area of study can lead to greater empathy and understanding, which is crucial in empowering a diverse and inclusive society. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA Serving as a New Student Orientation Advisor and becoming involved in the American Indian Student Association on campus have made me feel the most socially connected to UCLA. Through these organizations, I have found my friends, community, and passions. These experiences have helped me find my place at UCLA, as well as reflect on my role as both a student and person. Number of quarters in CCL: 6 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? I think it’s important to study diversity and inclusion to provide scientific proof for the effects of the long history of misrepresentation and underrepresentation of different communities in a wide variety of spaces. The study of diversity and inclusion highlights the importance of reparations for mis/underrepresented communities. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? I was able to participate in my first undie run in Spring 2022. My first year was spent online and I’d always leave campus before or on the Wednesday of finals week during Fall ‘21 and Winter ‘22. Finally being able to participate in the undie run tradition felt really great and I met and saw several of my close friends and just a huge amount of people. It was really fun and exciting and especially hilarious. Number of quarters in CCL: 11 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? People's experiences are nuanced and filled with unique aspects influenced by our background and contexts (i.e. our ethnicities, cultures, sexual orientation, gender, and so forth). It's important to study diversity to incorporate and include all those aspects that make our experiences so vivid and real because those aspects are valuable to us. Likewise, we need to involve all those elements to promote and produce a collaborative environment and society moving forward. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? I was working on a study in Dr. Shapiro's lab at UCLA. We bonded through memorizing 3 different scripts together, even inventing a game in an attempt to make memorizing more interactive with each other. Our time working together eventually led us to get together for Korean BBQ. Furthermore, the environment of the lab made it easy for me to earnestly discuss topics close to my heart that made me appreciate the openness that UCLA cultivates. Number of quarters in CCL: 3 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Diversity among the people is a huge part of what makes the United States the country that it is. However, considering the current social climate in our country, there seems to be an urgent need to find ways to foster positive connections between people of different cultures and backgrounds, and to reduce discrimination towards marginalized communities. I believe that studying diversity and inclusion has the potential to provide the tools to do so. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? Taking LGBTQ studies courses provided me with opportunities to have fun but deep and informative discussions with other students about queer topics and works written by queer authors. These courses not only helped me feel connected to and make friends with like-minded students, but also helped me feel more connected to UCLA and academia in general as a queer person. Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Although we live in a diverse society, it is important to acknowledge inequality to understand how certain communities are often targeted or excluded in the established social hierarchy. The social disparities many communities experience are often tied to historical systematic processes that need to be analyzed in a political, cultural and social framework. Studying diversity and inclusion in multiple frameworks allows us to understand people better while analyzing different social disparities to implement resources that help marginalized communities succeed. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? As a Chicano/a studies major, I have had the opportunity to take Central American courses at UCLA that have allowed me to understand more of my parent’s cultural history and my identity. In these classes, I am surrounded by peers who are also first generation and their families have experienced similar historical struggles as mine. Taking these courses have allowed me to feel more included and comfortable in a big institution and given me a new form of strength and resilience. Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? I think that diversity and inclusion are important topics of study because without studying their impact on society it may become easier for people to push for a globalized identity, resulting in people looking at one another from an ethnocentric standpoint rather than a holistic one. Studying the impacts of these things can help us advance inclusive spaces and social progress. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? I have felt most socially connected to UCLA as a member of CCL. Working with our research assistants and Dr. Brannon to develop and advance our research is an awesome experience that has allowed me to connect with so many unique individuals both on and off of our campus. Number of quarters in CCL: 4 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Studying and implementing diversity and inclusion with the purpose of justice is vital to create and foster spaces that not only recognize the specific struggles and histories of marginalized communities but also provide those communities with more equitable opportunities to thrive. Celebrating diversity helps people of different backgrounds feel more safe in openly sharing their experiences and developing their multidimensional identities. Moreover, these open dialogues across communities are immensely important for all people to understand different perspectives and to empathize. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? I have found a home and support system through Indus, a sociopolitical South Asian organization at UCLA. The first time I attended an Indus meeting as an intern my freshmen year, I felt loved and empowered to speak on personal experiences of hardship and resilience. Since then, Indus has continued to validate my truths and has challenged me to grow with my community. Number of quarters in CCL: 4 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? A lot can be learned from opening your mind and heart to the unique cultures, backgrounds, and attitudes that make up our world today. I also believe it is important to study underrepresented groups in society and to acknowledge all their accomplishments, largely stemming from their diverse backgrounds and experiences. In the future, I hope that I can play a role as an I-O psychologist to help increase diversity and inclusion in workspaces. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? I felt socially connected to UCLA when I met some of my closest friends at the University Catholic Center. I found my community among the diverse individuals I met there, all of different backgrounds, majors, and interests. I enjoy being part of such a caring and fun community, and everyone’s stories always inspire me! We live in a diverse society with different ethnicities and cultural backgrounds here in the United States. When we interact with each other, we are not only interacting with the person, but also interacting with the culture behind that person. Sometimes we misunderstand or misinterpret with each other because we bring different cultural assumptions into the interaction. Therefore, it is essential to study diversity to understand different individuals and different cultures. In addition, people coming from different backgrounds desire to fit into society. The sense of belonging and inclusion is especially important for minorities. Thus it is important to study inclusion as well. Number of quarters in CCL: 9 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Historically, certain communities have been excluded from conversations in spaces such as academia or places of work. Issues overwhelming our society do not exist in a vacuum, and it is important to consider cultural context to address these problems. By studying diversity and inclusion from a psychological perspective, we are able to implement and evaluate the most effective approaches to ensure that marginalized communities are heard and given opportunities to succeed Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? The summer before my first year at UCLA I was invited to participate in a program through the Academic Advancement Program called FSP. The program was focused on integrating students from underrepresented backgrounds into the world of higher education. As a first-generation Latina, being surrounded by peers who faced the same struggles as I made me feel more comfortable claiming space in an institution in which I felt I initially didn’t belong in. Number of quarters in CCL: 4 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? There is much to be learned from people that are different from ourselves. Each and every one of us has a unique background, heritage, upbringing, value system, and insight that can add to our story and perspective of the world. It is with the help of each other that we can create a world full of humility, strength, depth and breadth. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? As a transfer student, I felt extremely nervous and intimidated prior to beginning at UCLA, however, shortly after becoming a bruin I had the pleasure of presenting my research at the Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference. I absolutely loved it--I knew that UCLA was the school for me, and I could feel the confirmation from the very beginning of the day. The richness of the campus was evident in the students, classrooms, and instructors; UCLA has given me the opportunity to pursue my dreams and follow my passions. Number of Quarter in CCL: 6 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? In studying diversity and inclusion, you come to realize that while everyone is unique and different in their own culture and ways, biologically, we are 99.9% the same. Learning about diverse cultures and their experiences inspires empathy which is fundamental in eliminating racial biases that effect our policies and day-to-day life. It is critical for students to study diversity and learn how to make people of every background feel included in our very diverse society. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? I first felt socially connected at UCLA when I came to student orientation over summer and I was grouped with five other girls in the Academic Advancement Program. At one point during orientation, we sat down in a circle and our New Student Advisor prompted us to talk about the adversity we faced before coming to UCLA. I realized, like me, many of the other girls had come from adverse backgrounds and it made me feel less ashamed of things I have been through and more obliged to share my story. Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Diversity and inclusion is everywhere! Diversity can be a very beautiful thing; people with different experiences and lives coming together. However, diversity can also cause confusing situations, disputes and misunderstandings. And so, by studying these things, I believe we can help work towards a world that is diverse and inclusive in such a way that creates a loving and accepting environment between all cultures. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? Getting involved as a Resident Assistant in Residential Life at UCLA and being involved in a cappella here on campus have made me feel socially connected to UCLA! Every time I walk through my floor halls and I check-in with the other residents, as well as tell them about what's going on with me, I'm reminded of how amazing the people at UCLA really are and I feel a connection to this campus. Getting involved in these activities and conversing with many others have made all the stresses of being a college student very bearable and made me love UCLA! Go Bruins! Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? It is important to study diversity and inclusion because separating races and ethnicities facilitate this social misunderstanding that each group should have a consciousness against each other when in reality they should unite to trump down racism and discrimination. Being able to share about one's backgrounds, experiences, and perceptions and learn from others helps ensure a more open-minded, accepting world. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? Despite this being an interaction with one person, I think the first time I felt socially connected to UCLA was when I attended my first office hours for an Asian American Studies course. A teaching assistant assured me that students should not be afraid to seek academic support, as well as emotional support, from school faculty. What blossomed out of this realization is a beautiful friendship with this said person—along with another teaching assistant—till this day! Number of quarters in CCL: 3 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Oppressive structures have historically led to the marginalization of people economically, politically, socially. In the short term, as long as we exist under these structures, research in the areas of diversity and inclusion can be important to minimizing disparities in resources and opportunities among these communities and encouraging greater empathy. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? During my time at UCLA I have met many amazing people through organizations like Indus at UCLA and the Student Labor Advocacy Project. Their commitment to creating a more just and empathetic world has encouraged me in turn to more greatly question what I can do for the people around me, particularly through organizing. Number of quarters in CCL: 2 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Whenever someone does something racist/racially charged, the organization they’re affiliated with issues an apology that almost always includes a sentence to the effect of “that bad behavior doesn’t align with our values of diversity/inclusion/equity”. I want to better understand how companies are defining those values, act out those values, and how they carry through the organization. The CCL will help me develop the skills necessary to ask and answer the question. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? UCLA Anderson recently hosted a weeklong slate of programming to lead into our main diversity recruiting effort, Embracing Diversity. It was excellent to connect with current students, alumni, and professionals from all backgrounds who really care about increasing diversity on campus and having tough conversations about how to get there. Number of quarters in CCL: 3 quarters Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion: Everyone has unique experiences and different intersections of identities, and from the acknowledgment of the value of each perspective, we can strive towards a world that is more mindful of how we create spaces and systems where every person can thrive. I believe that through the study of diversity and inclusion we can further understand the impact that the lack of or the presence of diversity can have on the individual and societal levels. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA: Being a part of the Mental Health Fair with Active Minds during my first quarter at UCLA gave me a sense of belonging and purpose. I was able to participate in the planning process and interact with other students and visitors about mental health and its importance in our lives. It was a great experience and it gave me an appreciation of all the hard work that goes into the various events held on campus. Number of quarters in CCL: 3 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Ironically, despite globalization, this country is becoming increasingly demographically segregated and ideologically polarized, thus creating multiple subcultures of people that have triggered forms of intergroup clash. By studying diversity and inclusion, it is possible to find solutions to these conflicts without forcing restrictive cultural homogenization onto people in order to ultimately foster celebration of peoples' differences. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? Working in this lab and meeting every week to collaborate and share the learning experience with a small group of people has been a special experience of feeling socially connected for me at UCLA. I have met and sparked friendships with some of the most interesting and motivated people I know at UCLA by being a research assistant for CCL. Number of quarters in CCL: 3 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Diversity can be found from our everyday lives, and it is easily to be ignored or taken advantage of. It is our responsibility to help people see every perspective of the world, embrace their own identifies and respect identities of others, and bring inclusion to our society. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? I felt social connected to UCLA when I first realized the rich resources available for international students for every single step through studying at UCLA. It was heartwarming to know that the university cares and it has your back. Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? I felt socially connected the first time I stepped on this campus after getting my letter of admission at a yield event. They made me feel like I did belong on this campus and had a community that was unique to UCLA in a way that I hadn’t experienced at any other campus. I saw celebration of ourselves as unique individuals with a shared goal throughout the following days interacting with the various other students accepted Number of quarters in CCL: 3 Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? As a very diverse country that often tries to promote diverse workspaces and communities, it is important that everyone in these communities feel valued and supported. Understanding how we can interact and celebrate our own diverse sets of ideas, traditions, and desires can be a great benefit to all of us. Studying diversity and inclusion also serves as a resource to combat issues where individuals are not being valued and supported in their communities. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? I felt socially connected at the Freshman Summer Program, where I was surrounded by people that came from communities like mine. The thought of all of us experiencing such a new chapter in our lives together brought many of us closer and allowed me to form such great bonds. How long were you in CCL? 4 quarters Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA. Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? It is important to study diversity and inclusion so that we can better understand the effects in everyday settings; in academia and in the work place. Especially in a city as diverse as Los Angeles. Studying the effects of diversity and inclusion is a precursor for developing better environments so that people of different backgrounds can feel a sense of inclusion and continue to progress in their personal and collective growth. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? I did not attend UCLA, I cannot really answer this. But the time I felt most connected to a UC was during a workshop that was run by members of a greek fraternity for a sorority, which required a room full of girls to try and identify themselves in as many ways as possible, and seeing how diverse we all were made it so much easier to feel comfortable and connected. Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion? I chose to study psychology to advance causes of social justice and equality through rigorous empirical research. I want to encourage members of privileged social groups to engage with their identities and values when considering diversity and inclusion initiatives, because I think it is easy for people in these groups to overlook the reasons these initiatives are important. Everyone benefits from increased diversity, and I want to understand the psychological barriers that keep people in privileged groups from supporting these causes. How can white people have productive conversations about race with other white people? How can men help other men understand sexism? These are questions that I want to help people answer. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA? I met many members of the CCL for the first time at the SPSP conference in 2018, before I'd officially started as a graduate student at UCLA. I was blown away by everyone's welcoming attitude, natural curiosity, and passion for research. Thanks to them, I felt like a member of the community even before I arrived in LA. I'm excited to build more connections at UCLA through my classes and joining different campus groups and activities. Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA?
Kassandra Ayala
4th year, Psychology major
Ninah Alves
4th year, Psychology Major and Public Affairs Minor
Jessica Nuñez
4th year, Cognitive Science Major & Spanish, community and Culture Major
Jay Seibold
4th year, Psychology Major and Philosophy Minor
Rachel Sohn
4th year, Psychobiology
Kelly Kieu
4th year, Psychology Major & Public Affairs Minor
Kanishka Mehra
4th year, Psychology major & Anthropology and Labor Studies minor
Antoni Ison
4th year, Psychology Major
Chovny Hamilton
4th year, Psychology Major
Nishka Laungani
4th year, Cognitive Science Major
Thyra Cobbs
4th year, African American Studies and History Major
Zayaan Khan
1st year, Psychobiology Major
Rachel Burnett
3rd year, Psychology major
Amanda Gong
3rd year, Psychology & Sociology double major
Yuko Wilson
4th year, Psychology major & Japanese minor
Janiya Nichols
4th year, Psychology major
Jacqueline Bravo
4th year, Biology
Emily Kinnear
4th year, Psychology major
Sam Galvan
4th year, Cognitive Science Major
Kelly Zhang
4th year, Cognitive Science major & English minor
Andy Villarreal
Psychology Major
Juliet Kucirek
4th year, Gender Studies Major
Tianxin (Olivia) Yin
2nd year, Psychobiology Major & Food Studies Minor
Serena Silk
4th year, Psychology Major, Public Affairs and Professional Writing Minor
Chiagoziem Ivy Okonkwo
4th year, Psychology Major and Film & Television Minor
Danny Hang
Psychology and Social Behavior Major
Patrick Banks
4th year, Psychology Major
Katerin Rosales
4th year, Psychology & Chicano studies major
Yifeng He (James)
4th year, Psychology major
Abigail Greydanus
Previous Lab Manager of 2 years, UCLA graduate 2019, Psychology major
Number of quarters in CCL: 9
Priya Dahiya
4th year Psychology major and Public Affairs minor
Isabella Richards
2nd year, Psychology major
Cuiling He
4th year, Psychology major
Concepcion (Lourdes) Esparza
4th year, Psychobiology major
Jose Cervantez
4th year Psychology Major and Education Studies Minor
Samantha Eisert
4th year Psychology major and Environmental Systems and Society Minor
Thaddeus Demeke
4th year Psychology major and Statistics minor
Number of quarters in CCL: 6
Marjorie Llanera
4th year Psychology major and minor in Asian American Studies
Number of quarters in CCL: 6 Quarters
Abhi Manivannan
3rd year, Psychology major
Rhian Rogan
Jolly Tadros
4th year, Psychology major
Jooeun Shin
2nd year, Psychology major, with specialization in Computing
Bianca Marconcini
3rd year, Psychology major
Josh Manela
4th year, Psychology Major
Lei Luo
Master of Social Science
Andrea Shahrabani
4th year, Anthropology major
Tracy Saw
4th year Psychology and Global Studies student
Number of quarters in CCL: 6 quarters
World Peace – the conflicts that have plagued our global community for the past decade has been built on racial intolerance, prejudice and segregation. Understanding how individuals can better embrace diversity and how inclusive environments can be created are the baby steps to making a peaceful world 🙂
My very first BeatSC Rally – it was a year that there was no bonfire but the school spirit was certainly burning strong within us and I got to experienced the best 8-clap ever!
Isabel Leamon
4th year Psychology and Anthropology student
Number of quarters in CCL: 5 quarters
Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion?
Most people’s understandings of diversity and inclusion are based on their own lived experiences and identities. By scientifically studying diversity and inclusion, we can eliminate some of this subjectivity and educate people about others’ perspectives, especially those viewpoints underrepresented in mainstream media and positions of power. This is crucial for improving policy decisions and intergroup interactions.
Describe a time you felt socially connected to UCLA?
I felt socially connected to UCLA earlier this year when I attended the UCLA Critical Race Symposium. Hearing UCLA professors present their research and discuss issues I am passionate about, I felt like a part of the UCLA academic community.
Dreama Rhodes
4th year Psychology Major and Education Studies Minor student
Number of quarters in CCL: 5
It is important to study diversity because it is something we are constantly exposed to, and will always be exposed to. To me, inclusion is always important to study, but especially in the context of education. There are too many negative effects that can arise when students are excluded from academics.
As a Cub Tour guide and a New Student Orientation Advisor, I get the opportunity to brag about how great UCLA is and also help incoming students plan their career here. Participating in these organizations allowed me to meet a variety of people, attend more events on and off campus, and showed me how my job and volunteering opportunity helped me find my place here at UCLA. I like being able to tell prospective and incoming students about the communities I am part of and show them this is an option for them too.
Rhiannon Davies
4th year Psychobiology student
Number of quarters in CCL: 6 quarters
Diversity and inclusion are prominent issues in today’s society and the most important part of studying these topics is the application in day-to-day life. The data produced from studying diversity and inclusion can be applied to universities, workplaces, etc. and the impact could be incredible.
I’m an editor for the Daily Bruin and I feel very socially connected to UCLA while working late into the night during production with my fellow editors. Working with my peers in order to engage other students with UCLA-related content and news is such an amazing experience, especially along with the laughs that come with late nights in the office.
Evelyn Vazquez
4th year Psychology major
How long have you been in CCL? 5 quarters
I believe it is important to study diversity and inclusion because it is the starting point to see where as a society we need to grow and how we can improve. It also validates the lived experiences of other individuals who at times don’t have a name or feel they are alone in an experience.
Nia McClinton
2nd year Psychology student
How long have you been in CCL? 4 quarters
Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion?
I believe that studying diversity and inclusion is crucial to creating the world that is considerate and accepting of all identities and creeds of people. More importantly being socially aware and active on issues of diversity and inclusion is necessary work, that will only lead to the betterment of the world for everyone.
Amber Barnes
3rd year Psychology major and African American Studies minor
Angeli Indran
3rd year Psychology student
It is so important to study diversity and inclusion because it is extremely difficult to understand the perspective and experiences of others who are not like ourselves. Studying diversity and inclusion is one of the best ways to accomplish this goal of better social understanding.
I felt socially connected to UCLA when I first started engaging in extracurricular activities. Before I did this, I felt like just another face in a classroom without somewhere to belong. After this change, I felt more involved in my community and connected to my peers.
Thaksaporn (Tatt) Chitrakorn
3rd year Psychology major
How long were you in CCL? 2
For many people, we naturally like to be surrounded by people who are "like us," but what we tend to forget is that we’re not all that different from someone who’s sitting next to us in class or even a random person on the street. Everyone is unique but we can all connect to each other in some way. Especially in the world where the differences often get exaggerated through social media and are used by certain groups to tear us apart, it is absolutely crucial that we learn to appreciate the diversity and remind ourselves that it is the variations in human race that make our world so beautiful and fascinating.
The first time I felt socially connected to UCLA was when I met this one girl through some mutual friends at Boiling Crab in Westwood the very first week I came to LA. As someone who grew up in a community where mental health topics are highly stigmatized, I felt very accepted and understood for the first time after having a conversation with her about mental health. She has become an important part of my college career and is now one of my closest friends.
Shima Esmaeili
UCSD, Class of 2017
How long were you in CCL? 1 quarter
Aaron Kinsfather
Departmental Honors researcher, Class of 2017
How long were you in CCL? 6 quarters
I think it’s important because it affects us all. We all ARE diversity, we make up the rich, complex people of this world, and those differences between us should be celebrated. We are also responsible for inclusion, we help create the environment around us and can be the difference between a welcoming environment and a hostile one. We have a responsibility to ourselves and each other to make this world more inclusive for everyone.
I feel connected to UCLA every time I meet and work with members of the CCL lab. The people in this lab have become more than just my friends; they’re like a little family for me here at UCLA. We have such robust conversations about current events on campus and on a national and global level, and these conversations often turn to research and how we would study these situations in the lab. It’s an inspiring environment, and I feel connected to each and every person in there who supports and encourages me.
Eduardo Lara
Independent Research student, Class of 2017
How long were you in CCL? 6 quarters
It is important to study diversity and inclusion to take into consideration the wide range of thoughts and experiences that exists in our society. Specifically, people from diverse backgrounds offer new perspectives that can help to make research and education more comprehensive/representative for people of all backgrounds.
The Word is an open mic and spoken word event held each week in Kerckhoff Hall. My first time going to this event, I was moved by the ways that UCLA students unapologetically expressed themselves through poetry and art. In this space I felt connected to the experiences of these students and was compelled to get involved in arts and activism at UCLA.
Shani Levi
Independent Research student, Class of 2017
How long were you in CCL? 5 quarters
At the age of 12, I moved to the United States from Israel, this allows me to look at everyday problems from a different perspective. It is extremely important for me to study diversity and inclusion because I think people from different countries share more similarities than differences. I would like to teach others about how to get along and reduce the hate among other countries or cultures.
One time when I felt socially connected to UCLA was when I attended my first football game. This is the first big sporting event I have been to which made the energy and enthusiasm in the crowd more enjoyable. It made me feel connected to other bruins from all different majors, class grades, and races, we all came together to cheer on the same football team.
Frida Rojas-Cisneros
Class of 2017
How long have you been in CCL? 2 quarter
It’s important to study diversity and inclusion because if a student doesn’t feel like they belong at their university, that might reflect negatively on their grades. Universities need to implement policies based on research that has proven to be effective on inclusion and diversity in order to positively impact the experience of higher education for underrepresented students.
A time I felt socially connected to UCLA was during the summer transfer program. That is where I met fellow students that could relate to my experiences.
Pete Fisher
5th year Doctoral Candidate
Lianne Barnes
6th year doctoral candidate
Why do you think it is important to study diversity and inclusion?
If we truly want to understand human experience, we need to understand all human experience. There is a vast, rich world that has been largely ignored by science until recently. More than that, however, is our obligation as scientists to improve people’s lives, and we can only do that if we study those who have been left behind.
There is an organization in our department called UGSP (Underrepresented Graduate Students in Psychology), in which students of color, LGBTQ+ students, and students who have experienced adversity all help each other navigate academia and provide a space to vent and bond. UGSP helped me feel socially connected and supported when I arrived here.